Take Action

In Arkansas, we are taking a data-driven approach to inform state policy conversations and strategies to address three major budget busters faced by the ALICE population. These include affordable housing, access to quality and affordable childcare, and medical debt.

Together with a variety of partners, including grassroots advocacy organizations, we are pursuing effective solutions that will benefit ALICE and promote financial stability and well-being for all Arkansans.



By leveraging the ALICE data and sharing personal insights with your networks, employers, and community leaders, we can drive impactful decision-making and policy reforms that benefit ALICE families statewide.


ALICE workers navigate hardships daily, facing tough decisions like choosing between affordable childcare and housing close to work. This means ALICE workers may lack adequate savings, rely on unpredictable public transportation schedules, and contend with long commutes. All these factors may impact a worker’s effectiveness as an employee. Companies can initiate new policies and procedures that benefit the workforce and create environments where all workers, especially ALICE, can thrive.

ALICE@Work uses data analysis, course instruction, self-guided action planning, and a community of practice to help companies understand the lives of their employees and the experiences they face every day. ALICE@Work puts into action workplace policies and practices that can build resilient workforces and strong companies, leading to vibrant communities. To learn more about ALICE@Work or join our next cohort, contact Mollie Palmer at mpalmer@heartaruw.org.


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I feel like I’m living on borrowed time and I’m worried that nobody really understands the effect of this, the way this is going to impact millions of people. I don’t want to lose my home, but I probably will.

JulieFayetteville, AR

I think we'd all like to see our children's future look better than today. So that is what we try to gel everything into because it comes back to them. That's OUR future. That is the main concern. What can we do to help our children's, our grandchildren’s, our great-granchildren’s future?


Many families in rural areas are struggling with finding adequate, affordable housing. And in a small rural town even, it hurts their schools because there's a decline in enrollment when there aren't families with young children. So it would benefit the community to have this asset.


Us folks in rural areas have a whole lot of the same problems that you have in the urban areas. It's a different setting. It's different out here, but we still have a lot of the same problems you have. If we can just share with each other, it will help our future and our youth’s future.


We need to build an economy that propels Arkansas into a more prosperous future. For too long, we've operated as a low-wage economy, but is that really where we want to be? To thrive and attract talent and commerce to our state, we must take a good hard look at where we are and develop policies and strategies that will lead us to a different future.

ShereceLittle Rock

If we were successful in defending Medicaid and breaking down barriers, we might not see any family go bankrupt in Arkansas because of medical bills. And so we all have to try to work to change the system. We shouldn't live in a society that has tiers of availability of healthcare. It's tragic for many communities around our state, including our most essential people who make the least amount of money.
